Managed IT & Cyber Security Services For Small and Medium Sized Businesses in London

Book in a call with us to discuss your needs. If you would like to get an idea of pricing, use our cost estimate tool.

ReactiveManaged IT Support

Fast, Efficient & Personable.

Our Managed Support offering has everything you’d expect – plus a little more. We aren’t a fan of bolt-ons and extra/hidden charges. This service is built to cover your end-to-end support needs, with no surprises (like out-of-hours charges!).

ProactiveVirtual IT Manager

Strategic, Logical & Business Aligned.

Understanding Business Objectives

We capture the macro-objectives of your business to ensure alignment and support of the technology approach that underpins the business strategy.

Cost Optimisation & Forecasting

Technology spend can spiral quickly. Often, there are opportunities for cost efficiencies through proper planning. We ensure the costs of delivering technology are understood.

An Informed Technology Roadmap

As buy in from the senior management team is essential, planning and design of the mutually agreed IT roadmap takes into account business goals and objectives. 

Technology Policy & Risk Management

A routinely updated technology policy underpinned by mature risk management processes is the right way to support the board of directors and the business.

Asset Management & Hardware Refresh

IT asset and software inventory management is part and parcel of understanding the estate. We get ahead of failing hardware and out-of-date software, before it becomes an issue.

Service Reviews for Continual Improvement

We cannot improve what we don't measure. Service reviews include updates on incidents, changes, costs, optimisation recommendations and status of any inflight work

SecureManaged Cyber Security

Identify, Detect, Protect, Respond & Recover.

24 x 7 Security Operations Centre (SOC) providing mature security monitoring, alerting and response capabilities.

AI based phishing detection works with the end user to help the business make the quickest and most informed decisions about the safety of incoming email, in real-time. Combined with an advanced fingerprinting engine, reduction in phish messages are significant. 

We will ensure your business is aligned to the Cyber Essentials framework. We'll record all the evidence and make the submission so the lovely folks at IASME can stamp your company as Cyber Essentials certified.

Automated vulnerability scanning tools are configured to meticulously search your end user devices and network for security vulnerabilities, big or small. Findings are rated based on their level of exploitability in your environment and remediated accordingly. 

Penetration testing is important and usually something to be dreaded. Dread no longer. We have a CREST certified penetration testing team at the ready, to deliver your annual penetration test report within 5 days of scanning your environment.

Its lovely when you don't get hacked, isn't it? Only problem is, folks start forgetting what the warning signs look like. We make sure cyber security training and phish testing are done at just the right cadence for your organisation to keep staff sharp-eyed by joining the fight against cyber crime.

Everyone needs AV & EDR and we've got it ready to go, with ransomware detection and ransomware roll back capabilities built in. We hope you never have to use it, but if push comes to shove, we've got you covered.

Our Cyber Security service catalogue could make things sound as though you would need the cyber security budget of a multi-national conglomerate. Think again. We've spent a lot time with leaders in the industry, leveraging some of the most economical commercial agreements available on the market today. Your cyber defence becomes an enabler of your future growth, rather than the cause of sleepless nights.

Interested?Discuss options or get a cost estimate.

We look forward to hearing about you and your business and sharing how we may be able to help.

Check us outOur Work

Take a look at some of the recent work we've done for our clients.

On-Prem to Azure, in 6 months.

A hip, cool and funky advertising agency walks in to a bar and wants two racks full of ageing servers and storage appliances (to the tune of about 40 TB), moved entirely in to Azure. We did it in 6 months - now, there's a punch line.

File collaboration, security baked in and cloud-based file services? Yes, please.

We had a tall order from a forward thinking HR management company to get a cool 7TB of data migrated into a cloud based file collaboration platform, with the same security fit out that Fort Knox has. Problem? Sure, but we knocked them out the park.

Pro Bono.

Its important to give back, so we helped Kids Inspire from Essex run an initial IT and Security audit against their technology. We provided a report highlighting much needed cost optimisations as well as some quick wins to support improved and more secure ways of working.

Sometimes, it's complicated.

Let's Talk.

We understand challenges better when we hear them directly from you. Get time in the diary with us, so we can make your challenges our challenges (did someone say something about a problem shared...?).

The TalentMeet The Team

We're proud of what we do.

Unizen are a boutique technology & cyber security services provider, with your success at the heart of our focus. Say hello to the people that make it happen!

Navin Randhawa Technical Director

Navin provides our vision for technical excellence. Ingenuity, dynamism and progression drives him.

Shaun Randhawa Strategy & Operations Director

Shaun breaks moulds in favour of newer, cooler and more efficacious ideas. Honesty, integrity and humanity are his principles.

Sumeet Bains Account Manager

Sumeet is a numbers man. He's driven by metrics so he likes to keep things real and maintains a grounded approach.

Michael Donegan Technical Business Consultant

Mike is what we would call a meticulous swiss army knife. He drives some of our consulting engagements and has a strong affection for progress.

Ria Sidhu Junior Technologist

Ria works with us between her studies to gain experience. She is capable, astute and keeps us ahead of the curve with her youthful perspective.

Trufa Emotional Regulation Manager

Trufa is a firm yet fair evaluator of the human condition. We head over to Trufa in times of challenge, and she reminds us that it'll all be ok!

IT & Cyber Security Assessment 

Let us help you size up your technology gaps, free of charge.

They say that if you're good at something, never do it for free. So, what do we get out of this? 

Its simple - the way we think of it is this: If you were interviewing for a new position, you wouldn't charge your prospective employer for your time, would you?

We get to display our expertise and how we do business and you get to see if we're a good fit. If you aren't ready to work with us right now, that's not a problem. All we ask is that you share your experience by leaving us a review. That's it - no hard sell. If you change your mind, you have our number!